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Fair Price Equestrian Ltd Delivery Details

All delivery times are estimates only

All taxes and duties are different in each country and the customer is responsible for these charges. Please check with your relevant tax office in your country for a rough guide to the payment that has to be made before you receive the goods. We will not be liable for any delays that are caused by customs as this is out of our control. If you fail to take delivery of the goods and they are returned to us then a 15% fee will be taken from your final refund of the order.

Some deliveries may be delayed due to exceptional and unexpected events such as weather conditions, traffic accidents. This may also be delays during busy times although it is our priority to get orders dispatched the same day. If there is a problem with your order we will keep you informed of the delay. Most parcels will have tracking numbers so you can track your parcel on the relevant courier website. We will not be held accountable for third party delays to deliveries as they are out of our control but we will help the best we can with chasing it up.

Orders Overseas

Shipping costs may vary depending on weight and size of the parcel. We will inform you by email of any further costs to send your order first. If you agree to this then an invoice will be sent and once that is paid we will send out your order and you will receive tracking confirmation. If you disagree with the shipping costs then we can cancel your order and your money will be refunded. We will only do this if your order is particularly heavy or oversize.

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